Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! (Psalm 139:23-24 ESV)
Humility is defined by Merriam-Webster as: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive. Biblically, I believe that humility begins with a correct understanding of who God is, who we are, and our desperate need for Him. I find it interesting that if you ask most people if they are a “good person”, they will say yes, or at least that they are better than most. Jesus Himself reminds us: “no one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18).
When we fail to have a correct, Biblical understanding of who God is, it is impossible for us to develop a proper understanding of who we are or our need of God. As we read in 2 Chronicles 7:14 during the first day of our devotion, we know that the first call to forgiveness and healing is for God’s people to humble themselves. The more I learn about God, His character, nature, attributes, glory, love, and faithfulness, the more I realize a deep Biblical truth: I could never earn or deserve the love of such an awesome God.
When is the last time you carefully and prayerfully considered who God is? When is the last time that you sat in awe of the fact that your Creator not only knows you, but that He loves you, has a purpose for your life, and gave everything so you could experience a relationship with Him? Has the love and wonder God once evoked in your life grown cold? Has the childlike excitement faded in your own life? Has God and His love for you ceased to amaze you?
David in Psalm 139:23-24 prayed a prayer of humility. He prayed that God would search his heart and his thoughts and reveal any “grievous way” within him. I wonder today if you might be willing to, in faith, pray a similar prayer? Would you be willing for a moment to set aside the thoughts of your own goodness and remember the desperate need you have for Jesus? Before we will ever experience the deep intimacy that we seek with God, we must have a heart of submission and surrender to Him. We must be willing to seek His wisdom, correction, and direction. As David prayed, we must seek God to lead us “in the way everlasting.”
As we close today, I would challenge you to humbly and intentionally ask God to search your heart and mind as He reveals to you any grievous way within you. Once God speaks, have the courage to confess your sin knowing that He is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteous (1 John 1:9).
Father, today I confess that sometimes it feels like I am just going through the motions. Lord, please forgive me when the awe I once had for You seems to have faded. I pray that today You would consume the darkness in my life with Your wonderful light. Rekindle the fire that once burned brightly for You. Remind me of the incredible gift of salvation I have through faith in Jesus. Search my heart Lord and reveal to me anything in my life that is keeping me from knowing You more. Help me to live my life in daily surrender as I pick up my cross and follow You. Thank you that you are the God of second chances. In Jesus’ name, amen.