Sunday Worship at 11AM | 4967 Fincher Rd., Canton, GA 30114

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:17 ESV)

Chances are likely that if you’ve ever dealt with kids, you’ll know this truth well: there are lies of commission (things you say that aren’t true) and lies of omission (not being honest and forthcoming with the truth when you know you should). I’ve often seen people who have told lies without ever opening their mouth.

Biblically, sin is not only what we do that is opposed to the character and commands of God (i.e., doing the wrong thing) but sin is also when we fail to do what we know is right. There are sins of commission (things we do) and sins of omission (things we don’t do). Stop for a moment and consider this carefully… is it possible that the sin you need to confess isn’t simply what you did do but what you also failed to do?

Why is this thought even included in this devotion? Remember as we’ve studied over the course of our first few days, sin can hinder our relationship with God. Since unconfessed sin can affect our fellowship with God, we need to humbly confess when we fail (both in commission and omission). The Scripture reminds us: the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick (Jeremiah 17:9). I find that the one we tend to lie to the best is ourselves…

Today it is time to start honestly and intentionally asking God to reveal areas in your life that aren’t pleasing to Him. I believe it is God’s desire to see each of us become more like Christ. As followers of Jesus, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and in Christ we are truly free (John 8:36). Often, I’ve used the illustration that sometimes we find ourselves sitting in the jail cell with the door wide open, pardon in hand, we are free to go. Yet often we sit in the prison cell of our shame and sin, blind to the fact that the door sits open.

If we aren’t careful, it is easy to get stuck in a spiritual rut. Although we catch glimpses of the truth that we are free, it is easier to go about business as usual. Though we will talk more about it on Day 6 of our time together, often the battle is won or lost in our mind. It is time to be transformed by the renewal of your mind (Romans 12:2).

Father, I confess that I tend to focus on sins of commission while intentionally ignoring sins of omission. Lord, help me to not only see the right thing to do, but to do it. Help me do it not out of some legalistic sense of earning favor but because of the great love and devotion I have for you. God, please help reveal in me times where I don’t do the right things. Help me be faithful in the little things and consistently seek to obey you from a heart of love and devotion. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Categories: Devotion