Lord Jesus, our mission is to spread the Good News of the Gospel. We pray now that as we walk in obedience with You, that You bring us the lost and use us powerfully to lead them. In Your name we pray. Amen.
Thank You
As your Interim Pastor, it has been a great blessing to be a part of what God is doing here at our church. I have watched as God has challenged us and strengthened our hands to do what others said couldn’t and wouldn’t be done. Before we move past this moment, I want us each to remember God’s faithfulness over these last months and years. Though there have been many twists and turns, many trials and tribulations, many struggles and sleepless nights, God has been faithful. Let us stop for a moment and simply praise Him because of His faithful promises and His unchangeable, unshakable, unfading character and nature.
It is important for me to pause and acknowledge the faithful service of so many. Because there have literally been dozens of people involved in all the projects that have brought us to this moment, I want to avoid calling anyone out directly by name. My fear is that I might miss calling on someone directly or it may seem like I’ve minimized the faithful service of someone. Instead, I simply want to say thank you to everyone who has prayed, volunteered, given financially, or supported the projects here at the church over these last months. Although your role may have seemed small, let me assure you it wasn’t. God does more with small acts of faith filled obedience than we could ever imagine. So again, thank you for being part of this family and all God is doing in His church.
The work that God has accomplished in this place has ensured that unless Jesus returns first, the Gospel will continue to be proclaimed in this church for decades to come. My prayer today is that you would press in deeper to the mission of Christ in this church. It’s past time for us to get off the sidelines and into the battle. If you are looking to get plugged in or have questions about how you can serve, please email me at
No Sweat Evangelism
As a church, we are committed to seeing people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples and teaching them all that Christ has commanded (see Matthew 28:16-20). On Sunday October 9th at 6PM we will be hosting a special night of evangelism training called No Sweat Evangelism. Bro. Steve Foster, an Evangelism Consultant with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, will be joining us to lead us through this special session.
In this training, you will:
1. Learn a simple plan to share the gospel with people in your circle of influence.
2. Learn how to pivot from everyday conversations to gospel conversations.
3. Be motivated as you learn the biblical view of being on mission with God.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, this will be an incredible way for you to learn to be more effective at sharing the Gospel with those you love the most. You can visit to view a list of resources, videos, printable guides, and more that are associated with this program. Please make plans to attend this special night and bring a friend!
Upcoming Series: His Coming
Good Lord willing, we will begin a new series titled His Coming beginning Sunday September 25th. This series is going to be a study on Eschatology or the Biblical study concerning the end times.
Dave Jenkins from explains Eschatology this way: “Eschatology is the study of what Scripture teaches about the end times. The Church needs the teaching of eschatology because it is the capstone and crown of systematic theology. Eschatology helps remind Christians that this world isn’t our home and to look beyond what is presently happening for heaven, where they will be with Christ and His people forever and always.” This series will serve as an urgent reminder that we are living in the last days before the certain second coming of Jesus. My hope is that the message God has put on my heart will motivate us all to be more intentional, consistent, and motivated in our desire to share the Gospel with the world around us.
During this study we will explore the truth that Jesus is coming again and the condition of the natural world, society, and the church before His coming. Please be in prayer for me as I prepare for the series and join us as we begin exploring this incredible truth: Jesus Christ is coming soon.
Wednesday, September 14 , 6:30pm – Bible study
Saturday, September 17, 11am – 1pm – Women’s Fellowship
“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”” Psalms 46:10 NIV
If you want to dive deeper into your faith, come join us for our Women’s fellowship on the third Saturday of every month 11am-1pm. God created us for community and fellowship, and as a group we want to do both. We are a ladies group that wants to support, encourage and love one another. Come join us!
Sunday, September 18, 9:45am – Adult Sunday School
Sunday, September 18 – Conference immediately after service. Lunch will be served.
NOTE: There will be no Sunday Night Discipleship on the 18th.
You can now view upcoming events and important dates on our website at For a quick list of dates, you can access the Events List at
NOTE: If you have an announcement, please send it to by 12 noon on Monday. Thank you.
Community Outreach
We are incredibly excited about our partnership with Operation Christmas Child and the 300 shoeboxes we are packing as a church this year! On average it takes about 10 items to fill each box. These items aren’t a random collection of gifts but a carefully selected assortment of items like personal hygiene items, school supplies, toys, and other fun gifts.
For the month of September we are collecting:
300 bars of soap
300 washcloths
50 sticks of male deodorant
50 sticks of female deodorant
You can drop off your items in the fellowship hall in our special OCC drop-off bin. Get in touch with Amber if you have any questions.
We believe in the power of prayer. How can we pray for you?
Please visit to submit your prayer request. You can also submit your request to
In His Service,
Michele Olson
Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26 NKJV)